It has been such a warm winter, which is good and bad. But when it comes to outside time, its mostly good :). Lots of walks, tramp fun, picnics at the park, and plain up enjoying the sun.
A while back I caught this scene on camera. In my eyes, she's still my little girl. But in all reality, she is growing up into a beautiful young woman. It makes me sad in ways as I watch her grow and realize I won't have her forever. She is such a big help and has a great desire to live life to it's fullest. I love this picture as she is helping Audrey stay soothed and reading at the same time. Oh how I love my kids!!!!

This month I also got to hang out with my handsome hubby for my birthday. He spoils me, and I love him for it.
We've also spent some time inside on some rainy days. So I thought it was time for a fresh batch of homemade play dough. I love how it keeps them creative for hours.
Carson loves for me to take pictures of his creations :)
And us girls got to be culturized and watch the BYU performers dance ballet! It was a cute show and so fun to get out as girls. Thanks Dedre for helping make this happen!!
I love March... not just because it's my birthday month ;), but because it's a reminder that spring is near!!!!