Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Big 10

Alex turned double digits!  How is that even possible?? Time flies
For his 10th birthday Alex got up at 6 in the morning to catch a ride with Grandma and Grandpa Christian to hit the slopes for the very first time.  (After a breakfast with money filled pancakes of course! ;)
He had so much fun!  He was given ski lessons in a ski class for an hour.  When my parents picked him up they told them that next time he comes he should go ahead and jump up to the level 3 class.  And apparently most of the rest of the class was older than him!  Go AL!
He said one of his favorite things about skiing was crashing.  I guess crashing with style is fun haha.
Along their road trip they also saw bald eagles and elk.  He said they were little birthday blessings from Heavenly Father :)  LOVE this kid
When they got back we had pork enchiladas by request  and chocolate coconut cake
He had such an awesome birthday.  And you should have seen his face when he saw all the presents from gma.  His was so lit up!!
We also got him a bike, because well basically... he was too big for his other one
I think it would be safe to say that he had a blast this birthday :)

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Oh the Life

Oh the life of a family...
The other night I gave Audrey a bath... 10 minutes later she thought she needed a second one with Craig.  ;)
A little fun home decor.  TyLeen made it for me for Christmas and I love it!
Craig entered sunbeams this year!  So to start off with a bang, our Primary Presidency put on a breakfast primary day for the kids to get to know their teachers.  Craig's favorite part was the giant marshmallow dodge ball :)
One my boys' resolutions for the year was get up early and exercise.  They sure are more motivated than I!  
We had to do a small photo shoot one morning... because when they look THIS cute, how could you NOT take a picture??
Carson loves his picture taken... so the other day he put on all his metals and insisted on me documenting it.  Love this boy :)
One of our presents to Cami this year was giving her a room remodel.  She felt as though she was growing out of the cutesy purple.  So we painted, sewed, and crafted.
Cami did her own curtains.  She is a fast learner!  
The boys made the own fun while the girls worked on the room all day.  I think they enjoyed themselves to say the least ;)
And wah-lah.  She loves it.  Fresh white paint, new curtains, and a personalized wall.  So grown up now :)
Audrey is in the phase of wanting to get into everything and help with everything.  And I better let her or she'll get mad at me! ;)
This is evidence of Cami's love for snow.  Barefoot and loving it :)
This January we got a decent down pour of snow for a day, and all the kids made the best of it.  Even Audrey got all mallowed up to enjoy the outdoors :)
We had the pine wood derby last night and man did these boys work hard!  Two nights in a row, up 'til eleven.  Serious stuff here.
I found a poem I wrote recently.  It reminded me how much I love writing.  Ever since I was a kid I have.  And this one made me smile.
One other thing she loves... and I caught her red handed... CHOCOLATE!!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Hello 2016!!

It's a new year.  A fresh start.  New hopes and new goals. 
We started the year off with traditional midnight selfies. 
Then we met up with friends at the bowling alley!  Oh these dear dear friends, how we've missed you!  I wish I got more pictures... I don't know what I was thinking :/  Nonetheless, it was so good to catch up.  But like my friend Lisa said, 'They don't miss a beat!'  They just start up again like they were playing at the park yesterday
Lindsey Morales and Cami
Black light bowling!  That's Carson attempting a bowl
We also got a new couch!  Getting rid of our old one, and not having a couch for a month didn't seem all that bad.  But now that we have one, I think I realized how much I actually missed it!  And with a couch, comes giant boxes and the kids seized the opportunity to make a fort out of them.  And the funny thing was... they slept in it over night!!  I was worried, but with all the blankets and sleeping bags and furniture insulation and stuffed animals, and warm clothes... they slept quite well in the 20-ish degree weather :)  Only the 3 older slept in it over night.
The little ones just like to play in it :)
I have a feeling 2016 will be a happy year :)
Happy New Year!!