Our garden is full at bloom and I love it. Every year we get sunflowers, (never planted those either), and this year, they have grown SO tall! I have found I quite enjoy sunflowers. I love how they look to the light.
Audrey is finding herself around the house too, getting into everything. I have to watch her closely these days... all though, sometimes I loose track of where she is ;)
We've been helping take care of some friends' animals recently. A siberian husky for 2 weeks, (Cami LOVED that!), a bunny for 10 days, and then my sister's dog in a few days. Cami is such an animal lover, so is Jeremy, and babysitting gives her the extra animal fix she needs.
The kids had a couple friends over and made one slippery trampoline!!
On the Fourth the kids enjoyed some good fireworks. That's what Alex was looking most forward too. It was like Christmas in July when Jeremy brought the works home :)
And with those apricots I got from my mom, I canned 76 quarts!! I was SO glad to be done with that. TIS THE SEASON!!