Sunday, January 20, 2013

ThiS and ThaT

Craig is cruising! He pulls himself up now.  So not only do I need to watch what is on the floors... but Also the couches...and the bookshelves... And the entertainment center... And etc...
Cami is on a baking spree again.  Every day she comes home from school, she asks, "Can I bake..." cookies/brownies/muffins.  She loves it and does it all on her own, (still working on the clean up part though ;).  It's a lot of fun to watch her cook.  And helpful when I put her in charge of dinner.  All these goodies though, are not so good for my uncontrollable sweet tooth! (aka. waist line!)
We got a karaoke machine for Christmas from Grandma Ellie and we have been trying it out.  Well mainly Jeremy and I... the kids just like to goof off with the microphone and make funny noises.  Craig here was checking out what Jer was doing... and I thought it was too cute to pass up this pic.
Here's some proof of the kid's microphone etertainment


Shaina said...

That's so cute how Cami loves to cook! It'll be so weird when Rose gets big enough to do things like that. How do they grow so fast?? Craig is adorable!! I love little cruisers.

TyLeen said...

Your baby is getting so big! Not a baby anymore! I love that Cami cooks! EmmaLee likes to but she still needs/wants A LOT of help!