This Father's day was a little more solemn, with my brother being in hospice care. But thankfully we were able to spend some time with Jeremy and let him know how much we appreciate and love him.

Some of Jeremy's favorite things to do are projects. And when we do them all together, I really do feel like that's when he's happiest :) He had a patient that was selling Rainier cherries and so we pitting and dried til we could not pit and dry any more! Family time is a treasure
Audrey was a BIG fan of the cherries and helping ;0)
Sunday morning we made his favorite... Blueberry oatmeal and Bacon
Audrey never likes eating by herself, so most of the time she is on daddy's lap when it's time to eat :)
We love you Jeremy, Happy Father's Day!
Squeezing in a second post on one, but Alex was able to go to day camp this year. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to help because Zackary was progressively getting worse. But I was grateful to have a day with Alex at day camp. He loves these kinds of things :)
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