Wednesday, December 16, 2009

CanDy? WhaT cAndY?

It's tradition in my family to get together and make gingerbread houses or trains during the Christmas season. I LOVE this tradtion and most members in my family do too. What made it so fun for me this year was that this was the first time my kids were able to participate in the tradition. Thanks mom and dad for making this whole event happen!

He looks so proud of hiswork of art!
Cami hard at work while getting ready to pop in a tasty treat.

Cami's final project.

When all of them are finished, we always use them as centerpieces for the rest of the holiday. :)

Now part of this tradition is that you were to give your creation to someone you love. And Cami chose to give it to her kindergarden teacher. Cami has the most wonderful teacher! It's always a delight to see someone's eyes light up when a gift is given.


Allen Family said...

I want to start doing this too. Do you make your own dough and bake it? If so I would love the recipe.

Jessica said...

I remember being invited in on the fun once (forever ago) --it was so fun! They turned out great!! We did gingerbread houses today and had a blast!

Trishelle said...

Those look absolutely beautiful! I'm so impressed with the REAL gingerbread too! Your kids are getting so big! I just can't believe Cami is already in kindergarten. I'm so glad she has a good teacher and she loves her so much!