Friday, June 24, 2011

Jammin' Time!

Every year Jeremy's dad comes up and brings us some of the best strawberries around. Hood Strawberries! Oh we love them, and we love to make freezer jam out of them. So to continue with our tradition we jammed our strawberries for the year. :) Cami and grandpa de-stemmed. Alex used Jeremy's 'revolutionary' method of mashing them (aka, the Bosch:). And then Jeremy quickly got them all stirred in with the pectin on his lunch break. What did I do?? Well, someone had to take the pictures, right? Haha

Carson was our biggest strawberry muncher. He was sneaking them all day... I believe we have discovered his favorite fruit. Although he is a 'fruitatarion', so it's only natural to have an unresistable desire to devour any fruit in sight :).


Dani said...

Haha! My Andi is my 'fruitatarian'. I totally understand. She would pick fruit over chocolate or any dessert for that matter any day! Your jam looks yummy!

Allen Family said...

I'm glad you got lots of helpers around so you don't have to do much. I'm sure you didn't just take pictures either. I'm sure you had some dishes to do and other clean up! It looks good though!

The Medrano's said...

Mmmm mmmm mmmm! Looks yummy! I'll have to go jack some from you! My kids couldn't stop talking about your pb&j's last time they had them at your house!!