Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Captain America

Last month or so, Jeremy took down the old dish satellite on the side of our house.  Our original thought was to just chuck it, but then Alex had a brilliant idea!  "We can make a Captain America Shield out of it".  Carson is a HUGE fan of Captain America, so naturally this sparked his attention.  Now that Carson has his toy shield and Jer has his homemade one and Alex has his toy Thor hammer, they can go save the world!  Haha. The Avengers Movie is coming out soon and I asked  Jeremy if he was going to wear this ensemble to the opening night?  It had crossed his mind ;).  You did such an awesome job on it Jeremy!


Allen Family said...

That is awesome! How fun for Jer and the boys!

Arlene said...

Very creative!!!!

Lisa said...

Thats awesome. Letting the kid inside live on.:)