Thursday, October 29, 2009

Anyone Cold Yet?

Absolutely!! Who else has been pulling out their fall and winter clothes yet? Or turning up the heat? Or grabbing a blanket, or 2, when hanging out on the couch with your hubby while watching your favorite TV series like 'Modern Family', 'Dancing with the Stars, or 'The Office'? Brrrrrr... and it's just gettting colder. Alittle while ago my kids and I looked outside and saw this...
The water by our irrigation pipe froze one night.... it surprisingly looks pretty!

I love the expression of Cami's face, because it is the perfect expression that the chilly air brings :) Bundle up your kids good this Halloween! Can't wait to see all your pics! :)


The Woolner Family said...

Wow! Lots of posts. Yes, it's cold here too. Sigh.

Miche said...

Those pictures are beautiful! I WISH it was cold here! :)