Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 2


They're here! My brother and his family came over from Missouri to spend the whole week with us! We look like such a lively bunch... but we had an excuse we just got done with a huge Father's Day dinner, we had to let it settle. :)

Mason, baby Colton, and Carson are visiting with each other for the first time. I was trying hard to snap some good pictures while Colton and Carson interacted because it was so cute when they were! (Except when they wanted the same thing of course. :)

This cute dude was so fun! Him and Carson are about 6 months apart, so when they come to visit every year they'll have a buddy. :)

Little Kenzie posing cute on the rocking horse and enjoying cousin time.

Now, I don't know if you can tell but this was one of the coolest things to me. They are playing football. The two oldest were captains, and they picked teams and got a game going! I just thought that was so neat and are old enough now to coordinate that together!

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