Sunday, April 24, 2011

On the Hunt!

To start off Easter weekend, we went to the ward's Easter Egg Hunt yesterday.... FUN!
And to make our weekend even more splendid, Jeremy's mom and sister Launa came down! We packed up our stuff, Launa sported Jeremy's clothes, and we got started on painting Jeremy's halls in his new office. They helped us paint for over 8 hours! They are amazingly wonderful!
And then my brother Zack and his girls showed up to help too! Zack helped Jeremy install some counter tops, (those pics will be posted when completely finished). And his girls helped entertain our little ones. The kids were so good, considering the amount of time that we were there. They played dinosaurs under this beautiful tree, making a nest of flowers below. And when the ice cream truck stopped near by, we treated ourselves to some ice cream. :) One of my friends stopped by and shared some easter goodies with us too! What in the world would we do without good friends and wonderful family!?
I can't get a picture that has fully justified what we have done on one side of the hallways, but it went from this... this. Now we just need to put up a few paintings to make the hallway feel complete. :)

Then we came home and had a late, delicious dinner with some mole that our friend let us have to make some good pork carnitas with... nummy!

Then today family had to leave. :'( So with all of Grandma Elly's delectable chocolate, we gave the kiddos just ONE more little egg hunt before she left. Oh how we love family!!

This Easter I wanted to stop and take a moment to contemplate it's real meaning, because I so often get caught up in the hum drum of life and other holiday festivities. I love the excitement of the children when trying to find the eggs, the family traditions that are done every year in celebration of the holiday that unites a family, and shall I dare say... the chocolate! (Yes, I always eat Way too much). But most of all, I LOVE the hope and testimony that I have been given and am reminded of, specifically at this time, because of our Savior Jesus Christ. This holiday entails his selfless sacrifice, his perfect example, his pure love for ALL of us, and that HE LIVES! My heart swells as I think of Him, and that I too someday will be reunited with loved ones and be able to be embraced in the arms of my Savior. This is my hope, this is my testimony, this is my joy and achor... that HE LIVES!!


The Medrano's said...

Looks like a lot of fun:) I'm so glad that you guys were able to get more done on the office! It's looking great!! By the way, those pics you got of the kiddos are sooo cute!

Gary or Carol said...

What a great testimony. You set a wonderful example. I hope that we can continue to work together in YW.

Sunshine said...

happy Easter!